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In Roman mythology, Saturn is the god of agriculture.Saturn is the root of the English word "Saturday". This planet has been known since prehistoric times. Galileo was the first to observe it with a telescope in 1610.Early observations of Saturn were complicated by the fact that the Earth passes through the plane of 's rings every few years as Saturn moves in its orbit.It was not unSaturntil 1659 that Christian Huygens correctly inferred the geometry of the rings. Saturn's rings remained unique in the known solar system until 1977 when very faint rings were discovered around Uranus (and shortly thereafter around Jupiter and Neptune.)

It's orbit is 1,429,400,000km .  Its diameter120,536km equilateral.  Its mass is 5.68e26 km. Saturns density is so low that is would float on water. Saturn is a large gaseous planet. As you go deeper into saturn's atmosphere the gases gradually change to liquid. Saturn night have a rocky core below its liquid layer. At least 30 moons orbit saturn. The latest moons to be discovered orbiting saturn were found using telescopes in Chile & Hawaii. Some scientists suggest that saturn's gravity captured several of these moons as they passed nearby. Saturn's largest moon Titan, is bigger than the planet Mercury. Thick clouds prevent scientists form seeing the surface of Titan. Saturn's rings are compsed of pieces of rock & ice. Saturn's atmosphere is very thick. It also has a complex ring system. It is one of the outer planets.


The root word of saturn is the english word saturday.